My kids are getting so old I'm not sure how I feel about it. In some ways its easier and funner but in other ways so much harder and scarier. I have great kids much better then I deserve for sure!!! I just hope I can keep them heading in the right direction, some times I wonder. Tayt is in 3rd grade and has Mrs. Dutson he love her. I knew he would since she was the same teacher I had in 3rd grade. He is playing flag football and love it. He is really athletic I just wish I could get him to spend as much time reading as he plays football or any sport. Janie is amazing she is really the sweetest little girl EVER. She just started 1st grade and has Mrs. Comeau and LOVES her, she just loves school the other day I slept in :( and Janie informed me that I had better not do that again because school is VERY important and she didn't want to miss any of it. I am trying alot harder to make sure she makes the bus. :) She is really busy right now she is in paino, Dance, and tumbling but she loves every munite of it. She is my angel if I don't feel good she will come and lay by me. She is always trying to clean thing for me :) I love all my kids I am so GREATFUL to have them!!!