Thursday, November 4, 2010

Halloween 2010

Dave was Buzz to the rescue :)

Travis was Shrek!! He let me bic his head!!! I was so Fiona. I don't have a picture of me.
Tayt was an army guy off of Toy Story he had his feet taped to a board. It was pretty funny if you knew what was going on!!

Janie was Tinker Bell she was excited. She wanted to be orphan Anne till we went in to alco and she seen this costume. I tried to get her to wait she didn't want to so I decided I didn't care plus it was cheep!!!

I don't have a picture of Jared alone he was Woody. They looked to cute together. Last year I had to fight them to get in there costumes this year I had to fight them to stay out of them lol.

Painting pumpkins

I decided I didn't want he mess of carving pumpkins WRONG this was worse!! The boys had fun and if you can tell it kept them busy for a while they painted them 2 0r 3 times but it was so messy!!