Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Count Down to CHRISTMAS!!
We made these for FHE I wasn't really sure that Tayt would want to or that it would be easy enough for the twin BUT we had so much fun. Travis had to work so he came home for a minute but for the most part it was just me and the kids. We decorated the tree first Tayt didn't really want to help so he watched. But after we made our Christmas chains we watch the classic "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" the old version. The twins loved it, we have watched it just about every day since. The Twins laugh so hard when the dog is dress up as a reindeer.

My cute boys the are so fun!!!

Janie wanted to show off the tree it's not much of a tree but he is sure proud of it!!!


Jared didn't want anything to do with Santa he stood behind me the hole time it was so funny. I even tried to offer him candy if he would sit on his lap he wanted nothing to do with him.

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Dave on the other hand could have sat there all day. He told Santa about his new shoes about how he wants a bideo game (video game). He told Santa that his brother wants horses. I finally told him we needed to go he didn't want to, it was cute.
Janie was cute she told Santa she wanted a DSi so she could play games and take pictures. She is so sweet I don't know what I would do with out her.

Tayt was kinda shy which I thought was funny he isn't normally that way. He also wants a DSi and a puppy. My little brother Jace, his dog had puppy's, they are way cute so I gave in and told him he could have one if he could take care of it for a hole week. We'll see what happens?!?!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Happy Anniversary!!!

To the best husband ever!!
I can't believe we have been married 8 years! It really seems like yesterday we were sitting at a basketball game watching Bob play ball. Me in my big red sweater :) Then our trip to Washington in your little red truck :) I am so grateful to have such a supportive loving husband that takes such good care of me and loves me for who I am!! You are a great dad although (I knew you would be before we got married) you love our kids and show them how much you love them everyday. You work so hard so I can stay home with our kids.
Thank you for all that you do for us.
I love you so so much and am so proud to be your wife.
I look forward to spending forever with you.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Halloween 2010

Dave was Buzz to the rescue :)

Travis was Shrek!! He let me bic his head!!! I was so Fiona. I don't have a picture of me.
Tayt was an army guy off of Toy Story he had his feet taped to a board. It was pretty funny if you knew what was going on!!

Janie was Tinker Bell she was excited. She wanted to be orphan Anne till we went in to alco and she seen this costume. I tried to get her to wait she didn't want to so I decided I didn't care plus it was cheep!!!

I don't have a picture of Jared alone he was Woody. They looked to cute together. Last year I had to fight them to get in there costumes this year I had to fight them to stay out of them lol.

Painting pumpkins

I decided I didn't want he mess of carving pumpkins WRONG this was worse!! The boys had fun and if you can tell it kept them busy for a while they painted them 2 0r 3 times but it was so messy!!



Monday, October 4, 2010


My kids are getting so old I'm not sure how I feel about it. In some ways its easier and funner but in other ways so much harder and scarier. I have great kids much better then I deserve for sure!!! I just hope I can keep them heading in the right direction, some times I wonder. Tayt is in 3rd grade and has Mrs. Dutson he love her. I knew he would since she was the same teacher I had in 3rd grade. He is playing flag football and love it. He is really athletic I just wish I could get him to spend as much time reading as he plays football or any sport. Janie is amazing she is really the sweetest little girl EVER. She just started 1st grade and has Mrs. Comeau and LOVES her, she just loves school the other day I slept in :( and Janie informed me that I had better not do that again because school is VERY important and she didn't want to miss any of it. I am trying alot harder to make sure she makes the bus. :) She is really busy right now she is in paino, Dance, and tumbling but she loves every munite of it. She is my angel if I don't feel good she will come and lay by me. She is always trying to clean thing for me :) I love all my kids I am so GREATFUL to have them!!!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Our Trip to Puerto Rico!!!

I have the best parents in the world!!! This summer they took us to Puerto Rico it was so much fun!!! I don't know how much fun they had chasing all 13 of us but we had a BLAST!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! These pictures aren't in order but they will show you SOME of the things we got to do. I would love to go back there was so much to do. We stayed in RINCON for the first 4 nights and then we stayed on RIO GRAND the last 4 night and I have to say we could have stayed another 2 or more in each place!!!

This Tanner out in the middle of the hotel that we stayed in Rincon. It was the coolest hotel if you look you can see the pool and then about 10 yard way is the beach. Travis and I our room open up to the pool it was so cool. We could listen to the kro kie frogs it was so neat.

I am standing on the beach looking back at the hotel. My dad and Jake had a chess game the first night and my dad smoked Jake. I don't thing Jake knew that my did could play to be honest I didn't know he could play. Jake wanted a re-match lol and I'm not quite sure but I think my dad won both times!!!

We decided to go snorkeling while there so everyone got stuff and practiced in the pool lol it was so fun!!

All the boys went deep sea fishing one morning while the girls went SHOPPING!!! Travis joked and said it was the most expensive nap my dad has ever payed for!! But they had fun, but we had more... the shopping in SAN JUAN was GREAT!!!
I hope I did look that fat in real life lol. We seen them on our way home from church. Jordan said that they are over 100 years old. He wasn't sure what it was for???

Tays was the only grandchild that got to go :) lucky him!!! It was fun to have him there he. He spent alot of time with Tanner. They spent every extra minute in the pool together. But it was so pretty here.

So at the lighthouse they had a museum and they had what I thought was a statue so I sat on it's lap and went to give it a kiss but it moved..... scared me to death!!!

This was outside of the museum. We really had fun. Travis doesn't like to travel the Marines took it all out of him :( he was trying to find something to complain about AND HE COULDN'T!!!!

This was in the Rio Camuy caves it was cool. I learned one thing about the puertrican ( I'm pretty sure thats not how you spell it but you get the point) people and that is -they are on there own time schedule, they are never in a hurry- except for when they drive!!lol

Friday, April 23, 2010


I can't even tell you how I feel tomorrow the twins turn 3 can I just say WOW! The last 3 years have been some of the funnest and MOST challenging years ever. And I wouldn't change it for nothing. They are so fun. Best brothers they love each other so much and hate each others at the same time. But when it comes right done to it they can't stand to be apart. They say and do some of the cutes things ever. I have cuter pictures some where but these will have to work. I felt like this is all they did for the first 6 months haha!!!
They are so different in looks and personality. Jared is my lover :) he is always worried about Dave or anyone that us hurt or in trouble. He would sit on my lap all day if I let him. He still loves to cuddle I love to cuddle with him!! He loves the horses and our dogs he will still bring up Steve(thanks like I don't feel bad enough as it is). He has a huge bright orange blanket that he sleeps with and he won't sleep without it we have to take it everywhere. This morning he woke up asking if he could go for a ride in dad's truck. I tell Travis all the time that he is his "mini me" they are so much alike. The other day Argo (Travis's k-9 dog) and Jared were playing in the back yard Jared would throw the ball as hard as he could and Argo would jump up and catch it mid throw. It went on for about an hour or longer. Jared would laugh and laugh it was so fun to watch them play together.
Dave O Dave he is my wild Indian. He is always into something always making trouble but is so cute at the same time. Dave also has a huge blanket we have to take everywhere. I got the blanket a couple of years ago when I help the DHS cheerleader for a while. It has my name on it and some pom poms in the corner. He loves it, the corners are folded over and have little holes in the them Dave will have one finger shoved into each corner or he can't sleep :) He is so goofy. He has started to call Travis by name. It drives Travis crazy :) Dave will say "hey Trabis" dad- "you call me dad" Dave- " Otay Trabis I call you dad" Five minutes later Dave- " Hey Trabis I call you dad HU??" I just laugh and laugh. Last night at tayts ball game Dave had on Tayt's Batters gloves and had a helmet and a Bat and would make it half way on the field telling everyone "dits my ballgame- dist my ballgame" My dad is Tayts coach I think My Dave drove my dad crazy :) Dave's favorite thing is to be in the tractor with papa!!! He is so much work but at the same time so so so so much fun to have around. I LOVE MY DANGEROUS DAVE!!!!

I have had people ask me if I would do it again ... YOU BET!!!! When it comes right down to it I have loved every minute of it. The one thing I would change....I would have loved to asked Grandma Della some question. I always wonder what kind of stuff my dad got into. Who was the wild one and who was the calm one? Or maybe because the were identical they where so much alike that even their personalities were the sames. I love my kids. They are by far the best thing that ever happen to me. Right after TRAVIS!!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

New Easter Outfits

Every year for Easter my mom gets all of her grand kids now outfits, they all match. They look so cute. Thanks to the best mom ever!!! I love you!!! I couldn't do it with out you!!!
I have to say I have some pretty cute kids!!!!

Tayt drives me crazy I only had about four pictures on my camera and what does he do??? Holy Cow Kid... gotta love him!!!


Tayt is so excited to be playing baseball he needed a new glove he asks me everyday when his first practice is.
Janie has wanted this wii game since Christmas, my sister Brittany has it and brings it with her every time she comes Janie loves it.

Travis finished the fence before spring break so I could send the kids outside, so I thought that it would be fun to have the Easter Bunny bring some water guns... It was a great idea, them out in the yard playing with there water guns. Well it SNOWED and they ran through the house with water guns shooting everything and everyone. They drove us crazy all weekend!!!