Tuesday, March 22, 2011

O my

I had my ultrasound yesterday and.... I am have TWINS again. Holy cow I have heard of people that have two sets of twins but I have never seen any of them. Do they just go into hiding till they turn four. :) I hope not cause I wouldn't survive sitting around my house waiting for my kids to grow up. I think I only got like three hours of sleep last night between already being uncomfortable and not knowing where to start even thinking about having twins again. Travis works SO HARD so I can stay home with our kids and to think we are adding two more let alone TWO GIRLS. I'm afraid that I will never see him. Although by the time they get here he my not want to be around anyway lol. I guess looking at the bright side we kinda all ready know what to expect. Really I don't know what is harder to wrap my mind around that I'm have twins again or that I'm going to have 6 KIDS and I'm not even 30. Wish us luck!!!!!!


The Stanworths said...

I didn't even know!!!! congrats :) and if you need anything let me know k!!

Harris Family said...

Lacey, if anybody can do it, you are the woman. And after you've had the twins, you could probably write a book about being parents of twins-twice! (I'll help write it) :) We love you guys and are super excited.