Well, Tayt is a ball player it doesn't mater what ball is in his had he is just good (but I am his mother so take that for what it is worth)

he is so fun to watch he loves it. Today they put him as last batter and he did a good job. This is a fun time in my life taking my two older kids to all their thing and still chasing my babies I know exactly what my mom meant when she felt like all she did was drive back and forth from one thing to another. But with the price of gas I am really trying to cut back but I am a goer. Tayt passed Kindergarten so he will be in 1st grade next year and that will be fun. Janie had her dance recital tonight she had so much fun she is my little dancer although Travis has her talked in to being a rodeo queen when she grows up I guess we will see. She is starting Pre-school next year she is so excited I however am not Travis and I can't decide weather or not we are done having kids she may be my only girl and I want her to think I am the greatest forever. Oh Janie is the the cute one in the middle.

It's so fun that you have kids in sports and dance. And 1st grade, wow! You have such a cute family. And ps, I loved being the only girl. She'll love it too if that's what you decide.
Hey Lacey is Tasha Miller (Rappleye) from Delta. Cute pictures! Wow your kids have grown up!! ITs fun to see everyones blogs on here! Take care girl! We have a blog too! rogerandtasha.blogspot.com
Hey Lacey!!
It's me. The girl from the park!lol
You've got such cute kids.
Your blog isn't at all what you said, it looks great!!
Let me just tell you--I think it was the greatest thing meeting you. I really needed to talk to someone like you who understood! I'll be sure to keep in touch with you(if you don't mind)!
Again it was great meeting you!!
Hi Lacey, how are you?!! Your kids are so cute. I love the chocolate and vanilla thing. So cute! Its fun to see what you are up to. Its been SO long!!
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