I can even believe that he is getting so big. And let me tell you how tough this kid is. For a couple of week he has had this loose tooth I thought that it was weeks from coming out but tonight he was telling me about how this kid from school told him he had tied a string to his tooth and shut the door. Well Tayt wanted to try it I really didn't think that he would or that I would get the string on and he wouldn't let me slam the door so I decide heck why not. So I tied the string and was getting ready to shut the door when he told me I was doing it wrong so I asked him how he wanted to do it. He said the kid had told his to shut the door and just pull his head back, so that is what he did he shut the door and stared to back up and I could tell the tooth was bent pretty far and then he just throw his head back and I hear a crack and his tooth was just hanging on so I had to pull it again hard and fast I wanted to throw up. He didn't cry nothing I wanted to cry partly because It looked like to hurt so bad and partly because my little boy is getting so big I cant believe it. Wow can you believe that my Tayt is turning 7 in January he is one heck of a kid. I love you Tayt!!!