Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Temple Square

We did our Keel Thanksgiving at Travis's brother up north. So I decided that since we where so close to the temple we should go see the lights the kids loved it, the twins couldn't figure it out they would point at something and then they would jabber some words that didn't make any sense and and then look at me like, So what is it mom? It was so fun they are getting so big!! I have to add a story from yesterday. Travis and I had been sitting in the front room talking. When the twins come running down the hall and right to the Christmas tree. Travis tells them "no no Christmas tree" they both just stand there so close they could touch the tree with there noses . Jared come over and sits on the couch next to me. Travis wants to show me something so we leave the room and not even two minutes after we leave we can hear Jared yelling "da-da da-da da-da" that is what it sounds like when Jared says David. We go back in the room to find our no no David elbows deep in to the tree and Jared yelling on the top of his lung still on the couch it was so funny.
We went with Bill and Amy. It was so fun the kids really get along.

Travis's little brother came to. Uncle Ben and his girlfriend Katie. We really like Katie she is so much fun. Ben also got his mission call last week to GUAM can you believe that he will be a good missionary. I know that I will miss him!


MISTY said...

It's so beautiful there. Wow you guys have your hands full.

Alan and Mindee said...

That looks like so much fun. There's nothing like Temple Square to get you in the Christmas Spirit!
Cute story about the twins. Those trees are just so tempting!!!