I don't have very many but I do love the ones that I have. Travis had to work on Easter no big surprise. It seem like he is always working, good thing he likes his job! Anyway we have church at 9:00am and getting all 4 children dress and to church on a normal day is a miracle so the fact that the Easter bunny came and all the sugar and toys there was no way. So we went to church with my mom and dad it was fun!! We walked over there. It was a pretty good morning considering what could have happen!! My mom got all the kids new Easter outfits----THANKS MOM I LOVE YOU---

ALL THE GIRLS Janie, Addi. Jaylee. I love the dress that my mom picked out!!
Almost all the boys the only one missing is Trevors little/big boy Jacen. This is the best picture we could get Jared didn't want his picture taken! Jared Dave and Jet
I just thought this one is cute he love his pockets and when he gets both his hands in he gets so excited it funny I finally got a picture of it on Easter.

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