yea I didn't change the direction but it's been so long since I posted I've forgot how to change it :)

We had so much fun and the kids favorite spot I forgot my camera. I wish I could take my kids their every year it was fun. Then it was off the Mesa Verde I never would have thought to take our kids here but Mike wanted to and it was so fun. Travis and I are already planning a trip back when all of the kids are older then 10 or maybe just us. :):):) Mesa Verde was way cool really it wasn't sure that I would like it.
This is what Tayt and Janie are standing in font of I zoomed in so we could see it the lived on cliffs built on the side of mountains it was crazy. I am always worried about my kids running in to the street. Try a cliff right out side your door and the only way to get in is to climb the side of the mountain it was crazy!!!!
There was one that was at the bottom of a mountain so we hiked down in and the kids learned how to they would grind wheat. I was fun for about 1 min.

Then we climbed down into this little hole. This is not a very good picture but you get the idea. They must have used to to store food. I have to tell you when we decided to go we told our kids and every time someone would ask Janie where we were going she would say "we are going to see the Indians" it was so funny!!!
Then a quick stop at four corners. The kids thought that was cool!!!

yeah you did a post! It was so fun reading about your fa,. They are so cute. Glad you had so much fun. Keep up the posting lol.
I had almost given up on your blog, Lacey! haha. :) That looks like a really fun vacation!
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