I can't even tell you how I feel tomorrow the twins turn 3 can I just say WOW! The last 3 years have been some of the funnest and MOST challenging years ever. And I wouldn't change it for nothing. They are so fun. Best brothers they love each other so much and hate each others at the same time. But when it comes right done to it they can't stand to be apart. They say and do some of the cutes things ever. I have cuter pictures some where but these will have to work. 

I felt like this is all they did for the first 6 months haha!!!

Dave O Dave he is my wild Indian. He is always into something always making trouble but is so cute at the same time. Dave also has a huge blanket we have to take everywhere. I got the blanket a couple of years ago when I help the DHS cheerleader for a while. It has my name on it and some pom poms in the corner. He loves it, the corners are folded over and have little holes in the them Dave will have one finger shoved into each corner or he can't sleep :) He is so goofy. He has started to call Travis by name. It drives Travis crazy :) Dave will say "hey Trabis" dad- "you call me dad" Dave- " Otay Trabis I call you dad" Five minutes later Dave- " Hey Trabis I call you dad HU??" I just laugh and laugh. Last night at tayts ball game Dave had on Tayt's Batters gloves and had a helmet and a Bat and would make it half way on the field telling everyone "dits my ballgame- dist my ballgame" My dad is Tayts coach I think My Dave drove my dad crazy :) Dave's favorite thing is to be in the tractor with papa!!! He is so much work but at the same time so so so so much fun to have around. I LOVE MY DANGEROUS DAVE!!!!