Sunday, April 11, 2010

Our New Fence

So I tried I can't get this blogging thing right it makes me so mad. You are getting the after pictures first. Travis worked so hard to get the the fence done so the kids could play outside and then yes it snows. The kids had a great time making a snowman but it was to cold to let the twins out for very long. But thanks Travis you are the best.

Tayt actually took this pictures it was cute. I am so glad that my kids play so good together.
Yes Janie took this picture!
I was really worried about how it would look but Travis did a great job and I really like how it turned out. And the best part is that even Tayt and Janie have a hard time getting out!!! :) They can but it is hard. We now have a swing set up and they they really like that it was a early birthday present for the twins.

The kids really enjoyed helping all the kids pitched in and helped. Jake was a HUGE help also my little brothers. Travis's dad and his little brother helped to. We had all of it done but the gates in less then a week. We were shocked to say the least!!!!

They love any kind of tractor!!!

1 comment:

Harris Family said...

The fence looks really good! I can't wait to bring Devin over to play so we can just let 'em all loose in the yard. That is going to be so nice for you this summer, isn't it?