Thursday, June 26, 2008


I took the kids to dive for prizes it was way fun. Janie broght Oakley Riding with her they had so much fun, well sorta they really didn't know what they need to do but they figured it out quick.

Tayt he jumped knew exactly what to do. The twin are to young to care they couldn't quit figure out what the rush was for. I was so excited to find then all matching swimming suits. I thought that Tayt would hate it but he thought that it was way cool. He is so good to watch out for his younger siblings he is a great big bro. I sound kind of predigest but I really have the best kids.


Devin and Chrissy said...

Hey that is so cute. Lacey its Chrissy you should check out my blog and add me would love to have you on there to know my family and to keeo updated

Shai said...

That is a way cute picture of Oaks and Janie! Thanks for taking her that day, you are awesome!