These are the guys that he went to Iraq with. All of them are really great guys. That was one of the hardest thing I think either of us has had
to do. Yesterday I was reading some of the letters that I sent to him while he was in Iraq and
Okinawa Japan. I asked him why he ever stayed married to me, I was the
sappiest wife ever. It didn't help that I was
pregnant with Jaine. I wrote some of the
dumbest things, but at the time I guess that is how I felt. A look back at those letters and that first year of are
marriage and I think that was when we really learned how much we loved each other. And all the while he was just doing his duty to his country. I don't think he has ever once
regretted going and I know he would do it again if he knew that leaving me home with the kids with out him wouldn't make me go crazy.
Seriously we owe our veterans and I am not just saying this because I am married to one. The men and women that went before us had it so much harder then we could even
imagine. I would cry everyday that I didn't hear from Travis. My heart would hurt. I cant even
fathom being a wife in any World War or any other war for that matter I have talked to a woman that sent her husband to war during WWII and didn't hear from him for 2 YEARS. Everyday not even knowing if he was alive. The men left their wives and
children not knowing if they would ever see them again. All of this so that we could live in this FREE country. I love you Travis.
I love this post! Man I haven't seen you guys in so long. Hey, by the way... that is an amazing family picture at the bottom of you blog. I wonder if Rustin has seen it... he'd love it!
I applaud you Travis.... I admire you and appreciate everything that you have done for our country and not only my freedom but everyone's freedom. I am grateful for our Soldiers who are willing to risk their lives in order to save ours. May God bless our soldiers and their families and bring them safely home. Thank you and Happy Veterans Day!! I love love this post!
Mmm, great post. Hats off to Travis. And to you, I can't imagine going through that pregnant!
Yes, that is my big brother!!! Travis, I am so proud of you and want you to know that you are MY HERO. I love your guts!!!!!!!!!
Wow! What a neat post! I to am so grateful for our Veteran's and what they had to sacrificed for us. Travis should be very proud!!! I am also amazed at the families who sacrifice as well. I can't even imagine what that would have been like for your family! I am sure that is one of the things that makes you guys so strong!
Having veterans in the family has really made me appreciate more all the soldiers sacrafice. Travis is a great guy!
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