Saturday, December 5, 2009

Family Vacation With The Turner's

Our first stop to let the kids run.

I can't believe my kids are so so big.

Dave couldn't decide if it was real or not

So fun at Arches National Park

At the visitor center!!

yea I didn't change the direction but it's been so long since I posted I've forgot how to change it :)

We had so much fun and the kids favorite spot I forgot my camera. I wish I could take my kids their every year it was fun. Then it was off the Mesa Verde I never would have thought to take our kids here but Mike wanted to and it was so fun. Travis and I are already planning a trip back when all of the kids are older then 10 or maybe just us. :):):) Mesa Verde was way cool really it wasn't sure that I would like it.

This is what Tayt and Janie are standing in font of I zoomed in so we could see it the lived on cliffs built on the side of mountains it was crazy. I am always worried about my kids running in to the street. Try a cliff right out side your door and the only way to get in is to climb the side of the mountain it was crazy!!!!

There was one that was at the bottom of a mountain so we hiked down in and the kids learned how to they would grind wheat. I was fun for about 1 min.

Then we climbed down into this little hole. This is not a very good picture but you get the idea. They must have used to to store food. I have to tell you when we decided to go we told our kids and every time someone would ask Janie where we were going she would say "we are going to see the Indians" it was so funny!!!

Then a quick stop at four corners. The kids thought that was cool!!!Then we spent the next day at Lake Powell. Any one that know me knows I hate water but the kids sure had fun!! It was a great trip. Travis and I are going to TRY to take the kids to a national park every summer!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Janie Dancing

Sorry but I am so proud of Janie. She is in preschool and this is a first grade class. She does a pretty good job and this wasn't the best I have seen her do it. This was recorded at her dance recital she loves to dance and sing. She told her great-grandma keel he wanted to be and artist when she grew up. We don't quite now what to think about that but last week she wanted to be a rodeo Queen so I am not going to worry about it yet. I think I will start worrying about the boyfriend that she says she has named Morgan. Janie is way worried that she wont see him all summer she want me to find out where he lives so she can go play with him. But then that bring up another worry she has like what if he doesn't have any girl toys so then what is she going to do!!! I my heck she is 5 what am I going to do when she is 15 and 16. Lets just say we are in trouble. I love my Janie and hope we will always have a relationship as good as we do now. I love having a daughter she is so much more work then boys but it is all worth it. I love you Janie!!!

Easter 2009

I don't have very many but I do love the ones that I have. Travis had to work on Easter no big surprise. It seem like he is always working, good thing he likes his job! Anyway we have church at 9:00am and getting all 4 children dress and to church on a normal day is a miracle so the fact that the Easter bunny came and all the sugar and toys there was no way. So we went to church with my mom and dad it was fun!! We walked over there. It was a pretty good morning considering what could have happen!! My mom got all the kids new Easter outfits----THANKS MOM I LOVE YOU---

ALL THE GIRLS Janie, Addi. Jaylee. I love the dress that my mom picked out!!

Almost all the boys the only one missing is Trevors little/big boy Jacen. This is the best picture we could get Jared didn't want his picture taken! Jared Dave and JetI just thought this one is cute he love his pockets and when he gets both his hands in he gets so excited it funny I finally got a picture of it on Easter.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Little Cowgirl

Travis took Janie for a ride the other day. She was so excited!! Tayt usualy goes because they are so long and Janie gets borad but this time it was all about Janie. I have to say that she is one cute cowgirl!!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

So I have decided to go PRIVATE

I don't really know if anyone even reads my blog but I just am afraid of who is out there. Travis took me to a movie last night called TAKEN and it sacred me. So I laid in bed last night so sick I just can't even imagine what I would do if something like that happened to any of my kids. I just can't believe stuff like that really happens. If you haven't seen that movie and you have kids you really need to watch it. I will have my children watch when Travis and I think that they are old enough. I love where I live, I really feel safe here, but you never know! Anyway I am going private so if you want to see my blog just leave you email. I haven't done very good at keeping up but I do have some more pictures that I want to post but I am going to wait. I am going to do it the first part of April.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Well it is about time for an update.... We have been so busy the twins don't actually turn two till next month but I am pretty sure the hit the terrible two's in January. They have been way hard they don't want any one but dad although, they will tolerate me. Lets just say that it is a good thing that Travis leaves for work before they get up. Travis quit the boys home. I am so happy to have him around more. He helps alot around the house and I really appreciate it. We still have his cow and that is fun we go out and jump in Travis's big brown truck everyday to feed them. By the way the twins act you would think that we are on are way to Disneyland they love to go feed the cows. I got a job, if you can call it a job I am the DHS cheer coach it has been fun but the last few weeks have been crazy. Travis and I went to Las Vegas for 4 day and had a blast we decided that we need to take a trip like that once a year. We ate at nice restaurants, we slept all night and most importantly we got some us time which was so nice. But I got back on a Thursday and found out about the job on Friday and couldn't really say to much about till Tuesday. I am really excited about how this has worked out Julie Johnson (not my mom but the coach from when I was in high school) is the advisor and then I am the Coach and Taylor Lovell Petersen (my friend from high school how knows a ton about cheer and is so fun) is the asst. Coach. So we could tell everyone on Tuesday then Try-outs had been planned for Friday but we decided that we had not had enough time to plan for things and didn't need to make a cut we would do it the following Wednesday. We have an awesome team really they are all good. I can't wait it is going to be a good year!! Anyway I have been really busy with that so Travis has had the kids for most of the time since we got back but I hope that it will calm down now that try-out are over! I know that Travis will read this so I am going to thank him now for helping me do this he has been so supportive you can't even imagine. I have been home late and gone early he has really help me. But most of all he has just pushed me to do what make ME happy THANKS TRAV I LOVE YOU!!!! And I have to thank my mom and dad because like I said the twins don't like anyone but Travis so Thanks mom and dad for taking my two crying boys!!! Anyway I am so glad that it is finally starting to warm up out side it is so nice. The twins can go out and play! And Travis can start to do alot more horse riding. Sorry to anyone that cares to read my blog that it has taken me so long to post I will try to do better. I hope that I can get some pictures taken that is when post are fun!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The twins shaking a leg

This is what happens everytime I turn on music. They are so funny. Sorry that I am not very good with the camra. And sorry my house is a mess.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Christmas at the Keel's

Well it took me all year to save and I spent more than I had saved anyway. Plus 3 months to shop I was done pretty early but I could always think of one more thing that they need or wanted. All the preparation for 3 hours of Christmas I never realised how much work it was for my parents. They never said or did anything to make it look like work. My mom always made Christmas at our house so much fun. By 4:30pm on Christmas Eve I was ready to send all my kids to bed and cancel Christmas all together it didn't help that of course, Travis was working that night so he left at 5:30pm and then we woke the kids up at 6:00am so Travis could watch the Twins get excited over the little animals that Santa was not going to even bring. Not the Tonka Trucks that -he- waited in line for at 4:00am in the freezing cold for. Or the PSP that Santa didn't bring because the meanest mom in the world told Santa that he couldn't bring it because last year he brought a Portable Play Station that never gets played and is lost 90% of the time. Janie was the only one that even acted excited all she want was a Hannah Montana computer but Santa could only find a Barbie Computer but she was still excited and after about 5 minutes she loved it. Tayt did say today that he loves the remote control car that he got. Anyway after all that I only took like 5 pictures and can't find my camera anywhere. I am trying to get caught up on all my house work I know it will turn up. I have been a slacker I haven't wanted to todo alot, with the kids out of school. My parents got us a wii and we have been playing that. We also got some fun movies I think we have watch Kung fu Panda a dozen times. We really like it. It has been fun but I am glad it is over. Sorry about not having any pictures I could say that I will try and get some up, but who am I kidding as of lately I am just trying to keep my head above water. Yesterday Dave learned to open the front door so he went out in the -5 weather and (Thank you) Jared shut him out I could not figure out why Jared was pounding on the door. I had a feeling that I should open it so I did and there was poor Dave frozen and about to run off screaming he could only have been out there for a minute at the most. But yes another one of those moments when you really feel like the worrest mothers in the world. When my 20 month old is standing in the snow on the porch in shoes and a diaper. He loves shoes he had me up a 6:30 wanting his shoes on so that was good. But what would have happen if I had not listen to the holy ghost? It could have been really bad. So yes I think my twins are harder now then when they were babies. And I know this will sound really bad but if anyone has a movie that they think twin boys will sit and watch I am open to ideas. I would love to have 30 minutes during the day to get some thing done or just to just sit and know that they will sit with me. Please help!!!!