Well it took me all year to save and I spent more than I had saved anyway. Plus 3 months to shop I was done pretty early but I could always think of one more thing that they need or wanted. All the preparation for 3 hours of Christmas I never realised how much work it was for my parents. They never said or did anything to make it look like work. My mom always made Christmas at our house so much fun. By 4:30pm on Christmas Eve I was ready to send all my kids to bed and cancel Christmas all together it didn't help that of course, Travis was working that night so he left at 5:30pm and then we woke the kids up at 6:00am so Travis could watch the Twins get excited over the little animals that Santa was not going to even bring. Not the
Tonka Trucks that -he- waited in line for at 4:00am in the freezing cold for. Or the
PSP that Santa didn't bring because the meanest mom in the world told Santa that he couldn't bring it because last year he brought a Portable Play Station that never gets played and is lost 90% of the time. Janie was the only one that even acted excited all she want was a Hannah Montana computer but Santa could only find a Barbie Computer but she was still excited and after about 5 minutes she loved it.
Tayt did say today that he loves the remote control car that he got. Anyway after all that I only took like 5 pictures and can't find my camera anywhere. I am trying to get caught up on all my house work I know it will turn up. I have been a slacker I haven't wanted to
todo alot, with the kids out of school. My parents got us a
wii and we have been playing that. We also got some fun movies I think we have watch
Kung fu Panda a dozen times. We really like it. It has been fun but I am glad it is over. Sorry about not having any pictures I could say that I will try and get some up, but who am I kidding as of lately I am just trying to keep my head above water. Yesterday Dave learned to open the front door so he went out in the -5 weather and (Thank you) Jared shut him out I could not figure out why Jared was pounding on the door. I had a feeling that I should open it so I did and there was poor Dave frozen and about to run off screaming he could only have been out there for a minute at the most. But yes another one of those moments when you really feel like the
worrest mothers in the world. When my 20 month old is standing in the snow on the porch in shoes and a diaper. He loves shoes he had me up a 6:30 wanting his shoes on so that was good. But what would have happen if I had not listen to the holy ghost? It could have been really bad. So yes I think my twins are harder now then when they were babies. And I know this will sound really bad but if anyone has a movie that they think twin boys will sit and watch I am open to ideas. I would love to have 30 minutes during the day to get some thing done or just to just sit and know that they will sit with me. Please help!!!!