We did our Keel Thanksgiving at Travis's brother up north. So I decided that since we where so close to the temple we should go see the lights the kids loved it, the twins couldn't figure it out they would point at something and then they would jabber some words that didn't make any sense and and then look at me like, So what is it mom? It was so fun they are getting so big!! I have to add a story from yesterday. Travis and I had been sitting in the front room talking. When the twins come running down the hall and right to the Christmas tree. Travis tells them "no no Christmas tree" they both just stand there so close they could touch the tree with there noses . Jared come over and sits on the couch next to me. Travis wants to show me something so we leave the room and not even two minutes after we leave we can hear Jared yelling "da-da da-da da-da" that is what it sounds like when Jared says David. We go back in the room to find our no no David elbows deep in to the tree and Jared yelling on the top of his lung still on the couch it was so funny.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Happy Anniversary
I love my husband I can't believe that we have been married for 6 years. Really that doesn't feel like a long time. We have so much fun together. We really don't have anything in common but we can always find something fun to do. We love to be together I really can't imagine any one that I would want to be with. He is a great dad and a wonderful husband. He works so had so I can stay home with the kid, and he tries to give me every thing I want. I have planned all month to post a cute wedding picture but my days have just gone by so fast I will try maybe next week. Tonight we are at Travis's brother Bill house. Travis said that he would take me to Twilight and I said that I would take him to the Texas Roadhouse his favorite place. I am so excited.
I love you so much and am so thankful we can be together forever.
I love you so much and am so thankful we can be together forever.
Monday, November 10, 2008
I love my VETERAN

Saturday, November 8, 2008
I ran my first 5k and had so much fun. My mom and I ran it she did so GOOD she took 7th in her age group WAY TO GO. She has lost 30 lb and looks so great. I of course have not lost one pound but I have loved running. My dad has been awesome I call him everytime I run and ask him all kinds of questions. He loves that mom and I are running he has always wanted my mom to run and now she is my dad was smiling from ear to ear.
I was thankful to have my sister there to watch mom and I. They are both having babies so they couldn't run but, we had so much fun we have decided that next year we are all going to run. And a special thanks to Jed and Brittany for helping me so much with my kids, without them I wouldn't have been able to run. They stayed behind to get the kid ready so that they wouldn't be climbing all over me before the race started. And I also owe my dad a huge thank you also he got up with Dave at 3:30 am so I could get some sleep. THANKS FAMILY
Thursday, October 23, 2008
The most exciting news of the night!!!
I can even believe that he is getting so big. And let me tell you how tough this kid is. For a couple of week he has had this loose tooth I thought that it was weeks from coming out but tonight he was telling me about how this kid from school told him he had tied a string to his tooth and shut the door. Well Tayt wanted to try it I really didn't think that he would or that I would get the string on and he wouldn't let me slam the door so I decide heck why not. So I tied the string and was getting ready to shut the door when he told me I was doing it wrong so I asked him how he wanted to do it. He said the kid had told his to shut the door and just pull his head back, so that is what he did he shut the door and stared to back up and I could tell the tooth was bent pretty far and then he just throw his head back and I hear a crack and his tooth was just hanging on so I had to pull it again hard and fast I wanted to throw up. He didn't cry nothing I wanted to cry partly because It looked like to hurt so bad and partly because my little boy is getting so big I cant believe it. Wow can you believe that my Tayt is turning 7 in January he is one heck of a kid. I love you Tayt!!!
My Brother The BIG Hunter
Jace is AWESOME can you believe that this is his first deer. Way to go. Travis and Tayt went with them and had so much fun this was the first year that Travis has actually got the chance to got the first year that he he got a tag he went to Iraq the next time he had to work. So he was excited to go and I think that he was kind of relived that he didn't get one we had some of my brother-in-law Jed's and he didn't really like it and I didn't even try it. But he was exited to be with some one who did get a big one. Jace you are a might hunter.
Happy Halloween
Carving pumpkins what we grew in our garden. Of course the biggest ones are green and those are the one that the kids wanted I really didn't care they did them all by them self while I made dinner and ran to the church for a meeting that I forgot about any way it was fun and the kids had a blast. I am so glad the my brother Tanner could come over he is always fun to have around. GOOD JOB
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I was tagged
1. Go to your pictures.
2. upload 4th picture of 4th folder
3. Post.
4. Tag 4 of your friends.

It's was a funny picture all the kids were in the twins room just laughing I went in to see what was going on. Dave was just sitting there with his feet hanging out. Tayt and Janie wanted Jer to do the same thing, there are cuter pictures but I did the fourth one like I was told. O my gosh I can't believe how fast time is going. The twins are 18 monthes and into everything and going every where. Tayt is so fun he is getting so grown up. We went up north yesterday to watch uncle Josh run cross country and it was so fun! We just hung out and talked I told him I would take him to lunch anywhere he wanted and he picked Wendy's I couldn't believe it! He could go anywhere and he picks WENDY'S! ( he gets that from Travis) Anyway we went to Wendy's and he was happy. He is so so cute I can't even tell you how much he means to me! He is an extraordinary kid. He holds me up and doesn't even know it. I pray that our relationship will be as good when he grows up as it is now. Don't get me wrong we have our hick-ups. he is a boy with a strong will but if I am a good enough mom he will do amazing things. I LOVE YOU TAYT. I can't talk about Tayt without talking about Janie. She is my peace maker. She is another sweet Spirit that I don't know why I was so lucky to get. Janie and I have so much fun we went to the movies the other night together with some girl friends. we were dancing in the isle and singing we loved it! Jaine is my best girlfriend! She will always tell me how I look or if I need lipstick she is funny she loves lipstick. I know we all have great kids but I just had a really great time yesterday so I am feeling really grateful today. I guess that I just wanted to share. Sorry.
O sorry I got distracted my 4 people Ashley, Jen, Christy, Shara
2. upload 4th picture of 4th folder
3. Post.
4. Tag 4 of your friends.
It's was a funny picture all the kids were in the twins room just laughing I went in to see what was going on. Dave was just sitting there with his feet hanging out. Tayt and Janie wanted Jer to do the same thing, there are cuter pictures but I did the fourth one like I was told. O my gosh I can't believe how fast time is going. The twins are 18 monthes and into everything and going every where. Tayt is so fun he is getting so grown up. We went up north yesterday to watch uncle Josh run cross country and it was so fun! We just hung out and talked I told him I would take him to lunch anywhere he wanted and he picked Wendy's I couldn't believe it! He could go anywhere and he picks WENDY'S! ( he gets that from Travis) Anyway we went to Wendy's and he was happy. He is so so cute I can't even tell you how much he means to me! He is an extraordinary kid. He holds me up and doesn't even know it. I pray that our relationship will be as good when he grows up as it is now. Don't get me wrong we have our hick-ups. he is a boy with a strong will but if I am a good enough mom he will do amazing things. I LOVE YOU TAYT. I can't talk about Tayt without talking about Janie. She is my peace maker. She is another sweet Spirit that I don't know why I was so lucky to get. Janie and I have so much fun we went to the movies the other night together with some girl friends. we were dancing in the isle and singing we loved it! Jaine is my best girlfriend! She will always tell me how I look or if I need lipstick she is funny she loves lipstick. I know we all have great kids but I just had a really great time yesterday so I am feeling really grateful today. I guess that I just wanted to share. Sorry.
O sorry I got distracted my 4 people Ashley, Jen, Christy, Shara
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
This month has been so busy I haven't had time to breath let alone blog. This month we have had Janie and Travis's birthday and my awesome dad's birthday is today so HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD! I love you!!! September is so busy for me with school starting , dance for Janie, Karate for Tayt, Soccer for both of them and to top it off the twins have started running. They are into everything. Dave has started to really talk Jared just really doesn't care yet. Jared has started to make this really funny face I will have to post a picture he has a scowl we call it his mean face he so so shy he gives it to any one he thinks is going to look at him or try and talk to him.
I bottled peaches yesterday I got about 50 quarts done it was fun. Me, my mom and my great grandma keel had a good time. Grandma could only stay for a while but I was glad for the help. My mom did hers to so she got about 30 jars it was fun. My brother and his wife are coming today to so that is exciting they also found out that they are having a boy and so is Ashley. Brittany is going to find out in a couple of week what she is having. Every one asks me if I feel bad that I am the only one not pregnant well I was and the older the twins get and the more pregnant all my sisters get the happier I am that I am not one of them. Anyway I will try harder to get some blogging done it is fun to go to every ones blogs and see what all of you are doing I will do better I promise.
I bottled peaches yesterday I got about 50 quarts done it was fun. Me, my mom and my great grandma keel had a good time. Grandma could only stay for a while but I was glad for the help. My mom did hers to so she got about 30 jars it was fun. My brother and his wife are coming today to so that is exciting they also found out that they are having a boy and so is Ashley. Brittany is going to find out in a couple of week what she is having. Every one asks me if I feel bad that I am the only one not pregnant well I was and the older the twins get and the more pregnant all my sisters get the happier I am that I am not one of them. Anyway I will try harder to get some blogging done it is fun to go to every ones blogs and see what all of you are doing I will do better I promise.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Another Tag About Me
7 things I plan to do before I die...
1. Go on a really awesome vacation with Travis
2. Learn more about the Gospel
3. Go to anther Country
4. See something that takes my breath away
5. Get better organized
6. Get out of Debt
7. Run a 5k or more
7 things I can do...
1. Take care of my family
2. Talk alot
3. Lunch with my friends
4. Be positive
5. do more than one thing at a time (multi-task) Travis doesn't think that I do that very good
6. give a compliment
7. Have fun :)
7 things I cannot do...
1. SPELL ( if you haven't already noticed)
2. Keep my twins in the same room or area for more that 2 minutes
3. Remember peoples names
4. Stop watching Greys Anatomy and Desperate Housewives
5. Be mad at Travis for more than a day
6. Stop drinking Dr Pepper
7. Play the piano
7 Things that attract me to the opposite sex...
1. Hard worker
2. good hygiene
3. Their testimony in the gospel
4. Thinks of others
5. Travis makes me laugh all the time and I love that about him
6. Dark hair
7. Arms
7 Things I say most often
1. Dang it
2. Please
3. I love you
4. O my heck
5. Tater Jer-bear and Davey
6. Girlfriend or Princess
7. thank you
7 Celebrity Admiration's
I really don't have Celebrity's that I admire so I am going to do people in my life
1. Travis for marring me and everything that I came with
2. My mom for having eight kids and making them each feel special
3. My dad for always answering the phone and listening to me even when I know he probably has more important thing he needs to do
4. I can't list one brother or sister with out listing all of them so Ashley, Trevor, Brittany, Jordan, Jace, Hunter, Tanner they have alway been so supportive I love all of them even my sisters in law and all my brothers in law
5. And the same goes for Travis's family. I can go thru each name and tell you something admirable about each one.
6. My children each day they teach me something new
7. My friends I can't tell you how many time that my friend have help me thru tring times
7 Favorite foods...
1. Dr Pepper
2. homemade rolls/bread
3. Pasta
4. chocolate
5. Brownie
6. Salads
7. Cheese
People I think should do this
Mindee Jen keel
7 things I plan to do before I die...
1. Go on a really awesome vacation with Travis
2. Learn more about the Gospel
3. Go to anther Country
4. See something that takes my breath away
5. Get better organized
6. Get out of Debt
7. Run a 5k or more
7 things I can do...
1. Take care of my family
2. Talk alot
3. Lunch with my friends
4. Be positive
5. do more than one thing at a time (multi-task) Travis doesn't think that I do that very good
6. give a compliment
7. Have fun :)
7 things I cannot do...
1. SPELL ( if you haven't already noticed)
2. Keep my twins in the same room or area for more that 2 minutes
3. Remember peoples names
4. Stop watching Greys Anatomy and Desperate Housewives
5. Be mad at Travis for more than a day
6. Stop drinking Dr Pepper
7. Play the piano
7 Things that attract me to the opposite sex...
1. Hard worker
2. good hygiene
3. Their testimony in the gospel
4. Thinks of others
5. Travis makes me laugh all the time and I love that about him
6. Dark hair
7. Arms
7 Things I say most often
1. Dang it
2. Please
3. I love you
4. O my heck
5. Tater Jer-bear and Davey
6. Girlfriend or Princess
7. thank you
7 Celebrity Admiration's
I really don't have Celebrity's that I admire so I am going to do people in my life
1. Travis for marring me and everything that I came with
2. My mom for having eight kids and making them each feel special
3. My dad for always answering the phone and listening to me even when I know he probably has more important thing he needs to do
4. I can't list one brother or sister with out listing all of them so Ashley, Trevor, Brittany, Jordan, Jace, Hunter, Tanner they have alway been so supportive I love all of them even my sisters in law and all my brothers in law
5. And the same goes for Travis's family. I can go thru each name and tell you something admirable about each one.
6. My children each day they teach me something new
7. My friends I can't tell you how many time that my friend have help me thru tring times
7 Favorite foods...
1. Dr Pepper
2. homemade rolls/bread
3. Pasta
4. chocolate
5. Brownie
6. Salads
7. Cheese
People I think should do this
Mindee Jen keel
Friday, August 22, 2008
First day of School
Thursday, August 14, 2008
My mini Cheerleader
Janie's favorite cheerleader is Kassidy. Kass was so good to her all the cheerleaders were great but Kass was awesome. Its fun because I taught Kass when she was little and know she is going to teach Janie. Thanks Kass your the BEST!!!
Where I are my boys now?
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Our Trip to WY
Monday, July 21, 2008
The 3 Thing Tag
I have been in Casper WY all weekend so today I was looking at Crystal blog which by the we is so cute anyway and she had taged me. How you play is post these rules on your blog: List 3 Joys, 3 Fears, 3 Goals, 3 Current Obsessions/Collection, and 3 Random surprises about your self. Tag five people at the end of your post by leaving their names.
3 Joys: FAMILY, I love date weekend with Travis maybe because we don't get to be alone very often and I don't often get to sleep through the night, and the gospel even of I wonder sometimes if going to church on Sundays is worth it having to take my kids to church by my self every other Sunday when Travis has to work, but every time my kids choose the right with out any help from me I know that I am doing the right thing for once.
3 Fear: Going blind that scares me to death I would die if I could not see my kids grow. I have really bad eyes anyway I would just hate to never see them again. Then dieing not because I am afraid to me our Father in Heaven but because I would hate for my kids to be separated. If (heaven forbid) my children lost me I would hate for them to loose their older brother too. And lastly I fear the next natural disaster I just hope and pray that I will be prepared to take care of my family. I am kinda a worrier if you can't tell I could go on but I won't. These fears are all right on the top of the list.
3 Goals: To be a good wife and mother, to set a good example for the people around me, and as of lately to get and stay out of debt I am really not very good at that so if you have anything that you are doing and is working let me know.
3 Current Obsessions/ Collections: I really like the vampire books I have told Travis that he has to take me to the movie in December. Another one I guess is kids cloths I love to find a good sale I guess I am crazy I always want the twins to match so I am always looking for two for one deals. And my last one is lunch with the girls I love to go out eat something good and have adult conversation. I know that I am crazy.
3 Random Surprising facts about me: Well this might surprise a couple people I am not an animal fan someone once said that their favorite pet is the one that is in the freezer sorry that is just me!! Another is that despite being married to an Officer of the Law, Lacey has a surprisingly heavy foot when driving. If you don't believe me (Travis) ask any cop from Juab County! One last thing, and this may or may not be true, Lacey has a thing for bikers with full sleeve tattoos and long shaggy hair. Thanks Trav
Well I Tag Ashley, Denielle, Shai, Shar, Brittany
3 Joys: FAMILY, I love date weekend with Travis maybe because we don't get to be alone very often and I don't often get to sleep through the night, and the gospel even of I wonder sometimes if going to church on Sundays is worth it having to take my kids to church by my self every other Sunday when Travis has to work, but every time my kids choose the right with out any help from me I know that I am doing the right thing for once.
3 Fear: Going blind that scares me to death I would die if I could not see my kids grow. I have really bad eyes anyway I would just hate to never see them again. Then dieing not because I am afraid to me our Father in Heaven but because I would hate for my kids to be separated. If (heaven forbid) my children lost me I would hate for them to loose their older brother too. And lastly I fear the next natural disaster I just hope and pray that I will be prepared to take care of my family. I am kinda a worrier if you can't tell I could go on but I won't. These fears are all right on the top of the list.
3 Goals: To be a good wife and mother, to set a good example for the people around me, and as of lately to get and stay out of debt I am really not very good at that so if you have anything that you are doing and is working let me know.
3 Current Obsessions/ Collections: I really like the vampire books I have told Travis that he has to take me to the movie in December. Another one I guess is kids cloths I love to find a good sale I guess I am crazy I always want the twins to match so I am always looking for two for one deals. And my last one is lunch with the girls I love to go out eat something good and have adult conversation. I know that I am crazy.
3 Random Surprising facts about me: Well this might surprise a couple people I am not an animal fan someone once said that their favorite pet is the one that is in the freezer sorry that is just me!! Another is that despite being married to an Officer of the Law, Lacey has a surprisingly heavy foot when driving. If you don't believe me (Travis) ask any cop from Juab County! One last thing, and this may or may not be true, Lacey has a thing for bikers with full sleeve tattoos and long shaggy hair. Thanks Trav
Well I Tag Ashley, Denielle, Shai, Shar, Brittany
Monday, July 14, 2008
4th of July!
I love the 4 of July. This year Travis had to work in Fillmore. So it was up to me to try and keep all of the kids together or know where they were at and with allot of help from my family we did a pretty good job. I only lost Janie she had wandered down the street and luckily Jason Stefanoff knew who she was and stopped her.Then he called Travis in Fillmore and said he had our daughter. Well Travis calls me and for course I don't answer the phone so he calls my dad and asks for me then he asks me if he can talk to Janie when I can't find her I start to panic. Travis then tells me he know where she is and I walk down and get her. I was tyring so hard to keep track of the twins that I lost Janie. Yes I am the mother of the year. Needless to say this is the only picture that I got. I feel bad but at least I have one.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Meet ARGO Travis's K-9. He is a really fun dog to have around besides all the really cool cop stuff. Argo likes to bite people and can track people by using there scent. He is also good with the kids. Tayt thinks it's cool when Travis calls Argo and he will just come running and sit by him and look at Travis as if to say "Whats up dad?" (K-9 handlers call themselves "Dad") Argo loves to bite people, he gets so excited he can barely stand it. It makes me feel better that Travis takes him to work. Part of what Argo does is protect Travis. The worst thing that anyone could do is attack Travis, Argo would go nuts. One night when Travis was at his K-9 training I went and surprised him at the hotel. We were laying on the bed together and Travis let Argo out of his crate to stretch his legs and get a drink. Argo jumped on the bed and wiggled right in between me and Travis. I am not really a dog person so the minute Argo got on the bed, he won. He knew it too. I know this sounds crazy but it was kinda cute. The funny thing about Argo is he is the friendliest dog until the game is on. He will wander around and let any one pet him, but he can and has become aggressive at the drop of the hat. Good Dog!
I took the kids to dive for prizes it was way fun. Janie broght Oakley Riding with her they had so much fun, well sorta they really didn't know what they need to do but they figured it out quick.

Tayt he jumped knew exactly what to do. The twin are to young to care they couldn't quit figure out what the rush was for. I was so excited to find then all matching swimming suits. I thought that Tayt would hate it but he thought that it was way cool. He is so good to watch out for his younger siblings he is a great big bro. I sound kind of predigest but I really have the best kids.
Tayt he jumped knew exactly what to do. The twin are to young to care they couldn't quit figure out what the rush was for. I was so excited to find then all matching swimming suits. I thought that Tayt would hate it but he thought that it was way cool. He is so good to watch out for his younger siblings he is a great big bro. I sound kind of predigest but I really have the best kids.
Today I found my boys here...
David has done it before Jared is my late bloomer. I had gone to make a change in the laundry an d when I came back they had made their way to Janie's leftover her Cheetos from lunch on the table . It is fun to have them and it is even funner to see what they can find to do, Although I might be crazy before I send them on missions.
Friday, June 6, 2008
4 Things...
I have never been taged before so thank you liz sometimes it's fun to look back!
4 Things I was doing 10 years ago...
1. I was Dancing up to 5 hours a day and loving every minute.
2. I was in the best shape in my life and was still thinking that I was fat.
3. Was way to worried about boys.
4. Was not spending enough time my family.
4 Things I was doing 5 years ago...
1. Had just got a divorce and had a one year old boy (Tayt one of the biggest blessings in my life)
2. I was getting married to Travis which could possibly be the best decision I have ever made.
3. I would soon be pregnate with my second child (janie she turns 5 in September)
4. I was just finding out what is meant to really be happy.
4 Things I was doing yesterday...
1. I stared out the day with not enough sleep as usual.
2. I tried to clean my house but I can seem to even make a dent.
3. I let the kids have some friends over and that didn't help the house cleaning.
4. I got to take Tayt to his coach pitch game and then take janie to her T-ball game I always have so much fun watching the kids in there activity's.
4 Things I watch regularly...
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. The News at 10 pm those are really the only two that I watch with out kids
3. Barbie as Rapunzel with Janie
4. Transformers with Tayt
4 People I tag...
4 Things I was doing 10 years ago...
1. I was Dancing up to 5 hours a day and loving every minute.
2. I was in the best shape in my life and was still thinking that I was fat.
3. Was way to worried about boys.
4. Was not spending enough time my family.
4 Things I was doing 5 years ago...
1. Had just got a divorce and had a one year old boy (Tayt one of the biggest blessings in my life)
2. I was getting married to Travis which could possibly be the best decision I have ever made.
3. I would soon be pregnate with my second child (janie she turns 5 in September)
4. I was just finding out what is meant to really be happy.
4 Things I was doing yesterday...
1. I stared out the day with not enough sleep as usual.
2. I tried to clean my house but I can seem to even make a dent.
3. I let the kids have some friends over and that didn't help the house cleaning.
4. I got to take Tayt to his coach pitch game and then take janie to her T-ball game I always have so much fun watching the kids in there activity's.
4 Things I watch regularly...
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. The News at 10 pm those are really the only two that I watch with out kids
3. Barbie as Rapunzel with Janie
4. Transformers with Tayt
4 People I tag...
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Our trip to Kansas!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Travis and I haven't been up to much other then chasin' kids. Tayt is 6 years old and in a full day kindergarten class. He is going to wrestle in the Bantam State Wrestling Championship on April 5, 2008. Good Luck Tayt!! Janie just got her ears pierced and can now wear even more jewelry!! Our Pretty Princess! Jared and David are now eleven months old and are beginning to walk. It is amazing to watch them grow and develop their individual personalities. Lacey recently pulled the meanest (and funniest) April Fools joke on April 1st. She along with all of Travis's brothers and sister schemed together and got Travis to believe she was pregnant. He fell for it hook line and sinker!! Maybe now he'll lay off a little on teasing every one else. Travis is preparing for a big K-9 Training. When he comes back he will get to "deploy" his dog, and if it turns out the way he wants, get to deploy in the first few days after he gets back. Lets just hope Argo (afforementioned K-9) learns as fast at the training as he does at home. Aspen and Scout are still eating hay and making travis happy on the long trail rides. Steve just barks a lot and eats trash off the back porch
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